Travel and Adventure
For those that know about Matrimony Spring, use it frequently as the water is always running, cool, fresh and good tasting. It is a tradition for campers, hikers, bikers and locals alike to fill up at the spring. The name comes from the legend that early settlers that were newly married found the spring. Once drinking from it they vowed never to leave Moab. It is said, that if you drink from the spring you will not leave Moab. Well, obviously that is not true because I have been drinking from it for 17 years. However, I do return ever year, sometimes twice a year. Maybe the spring plays a little part in that return.
To find the spring, drive north out of Moab. Before crossing over the Colorado River, turn right on River Rd (Route 128). After a few 100 yards there will be a paved pull-off on the right. The spring is at the end of the pull off. Over the years I have seen varied ways of having the water lift high enough to get a water bottle under it. Years ago there was a pretty good pipe. Recent years there was just rocks built up with a piece of aluminum.
Currently there is a good large PVC pipe. Be aware there is road construction before and at the pull off but it is still easy to pull off and park.
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