Travel and Adventure
This little carving has become quite popular in recent years. Some think it is evidence that dinosaurs existing during human times. Being that Ta Prohm was constructed around the 12 century, they hardly had the technology to determine what a Stegosaurus looked like even if they unearthed some dinosaur bones. Others believe is is a Rhinoceros with leaves behind it. There is even another suggestion that it is a hoax put there as a joke.
I can tell you that I don’t believe this is a hoax in any way possible. Anyone that has been there can tell it is very obvious it is old and similar to the other carvings along that area and through Ta Prohm.
I think its great to let people make their own decision. To find the “Stegosaurus” walk to the far west of Ta Prohm. In the center of the second wall is a doorway (see photo with the woman in green). To the left on the outside in the corner, below the tower, is a vertical line of Bas-relief carvings. There you will find it.
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