
Ta Nei Temple


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis temple is really off the grid although very close to other temples in the complex. So few people visit this temple that not all tuk tuk drivers know exactly where it is. It does appear on Google maps and you can show your tuk tuk driver if he doesn’t know the way.  Of all the temples I visited this one is in the most disrepair. A joint 10 year study was done by Cambodia and Japan on the cleaning and protective treatment of stone at this site. I could not find the results anywhere. For the size of this temple I was surprised there wasn’t more restoration. What I did see was two obvious pools, one on either side, now empty and over grown. I also notice the lack of ornate carvings that can be found at other temples. This may be why further restoration was not done.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Worth a visit if you have the time or you want to escape the crowds. Also good during midday because there is plenty of shade here.

772total visits,2visits today