
Ta Kou – East Entrance


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATa Kou, or East Gate is a nice side trip from the main complex. It does see more traffic than the North and South entrances but still very quiet. The only people I’ve come across here are those that are lost. This entrance is bigger than the North and South entrances. While you can walk through all three entrances, the Ta Kou is the only one that has a dirt road through a break in the perimeter wall. Of the three lesser entrances, this one is my favorite.


You can access Ta Kou from the Angkor Wat main complex by a wide dirt road. You can also access along the outer wall trail. In addition, this entrance also has access from a land bridge that crosses over the moat. It is possible to parka a car or tuk tuk on the far side of the moat and walk across the land bridge.

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