
South Gate


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATypically this is the first gate you will pass through when entering Angkor Thom. The gate is approached from a road leading north from Angkor Wat. There is a moat before the gate. That road is lined with figures on each side. These figures appear to be pulling the body of a snake. One side is said to be Guardian Gods and the other side Demon Gods. The myth is that the guardians are pulling the snake and the demons are pushing in the opposite direction.


There are three faces on each side of the gate. They are fairly well preserved. This is a popular place to take photos. You can wait a long time for your chance to get a photo without some other visitor standing in your shot.

The trick is to arrive about 7am. Most people are still at Angkor Wat and this gives you a chance to get some photos without many other people standing around. The gate is as impressive looking from the south as it is from the north side.

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