
Preah Palilay Temple


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhile this is a small temple, I really enjoyed checking it out for several reasons. It is set back in the forest a bit and because of this gets less visitors. I’m all about seeing less visitors. The walk back is peaceful and shaded. I didn’t see anyone else around. There is a short stone walkway that approaches the temple. A modern temple has been erected with a Buddha and clear evidence there is ongoing worship at the site.

Up to this point I had not seen fully the effects of the jungle encroaching and growing on the ruins. Preah Palilay was the first I saw the trees growing on the temple. It is an impressive site. Something I’ve seen in books and heard of for years. There are more impressive views of this type of scene but usually there are many people. Here, no one was around to taint the experience.

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