


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMangalartha is a small single temple set about 300 meters into the jungle from the Victory Gate road. This temple is seldom visited by tourist. This temple is rather significant due to a well preserved inscription at a door jam that provided researchers with good details about the time and origin of the temple.The temple is named after Jaya-Mangalartha who was an influential priest in the 13th century. He was the founder of this temple.

 There are some excellent carving scattered around the grounds of Mangalartha. This is an excellent place to visit in the heat of the day and when the other popular sites become inundated with tourist.


To find Mangalartha drive toward Victory Gate from the Elephant Terrace area. In about 500 meters you will see what looks like a bus stand or type of shelter. Just past this is an unmarked dirt road. Park at the entrance and walk down the dirt road which leads directly to Mangalartha.

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