
Sunrise from the east side


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo with the waves of people flocking on the west side of Angkor Wat to see if the sun will light up the clouds or break through for a nice orange ball, I decided to try something different. From my experience, I knew the clouds were not going to break and it would not be much of a show this morning.

I walked to the east side of Angkor which was an excellent decision. Believe it or not I was the only person on the other side. To me, this is a great opportunity. When the sun rises it would light up the face of Angkor Wat instead of a shadow on the face from the west side.

It was very special. Something that cannot be told by the photos is the sound of nature. Crickets and frogs sounding off was deafening and very pleasant. This was as much a highlight at the scenery.

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