Travel and Adventure
While many people rave about the street food in Thailand, I was a bit turned off by it. It looks great and I did try it several times with no problem. However, a few things to keep in mind. As you can see in the photos, the food is out raw and uncovered. What you can’t tell from the photo is that it is 95 degrees and 100% humidity. There is no refrigeration and the food has been laying out for hours! Oh, and not to mention the number of flies landing on each little piece.
So if you have your mind set on eating this food, which I think you should try at least once, here is a few tips:
1. The vendors will allow you to select the pieces you would like cooked. Choose the number you want from the middle of the pile. The top would have had flies landing all over it and the bottom has been soaking in some nasty looking juices.
2. Always select something that needs to be cooked and be sure it is cooked well. Some vendors will have items that are already cooked. Try and stay away from these because again, flies! At least with the uncooked meat being cooked right in front of you, any nastiness that may be on the meat will get burned off during the cooking process.
3. Select a vendor that has a good amount of food to select from. Even if they are not busy at the time. Large amounts of food say that they are usually busy. Locals know who has the best food. This is a good indication.
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