
Porcupine Rim



If you are an avid mountain bike rider you probably heard of the Porcupine Rim.  This is an advanced level trail and you should only attempt if you have a lot of experiences with technical downhill riding.  When making the arrangements for a shuttle, be sure they take you to the start of the Kokopelli trail and not the access from Sand Flats.  Kokopelli is more down hill.  Sand Flats has a long up hill. No need for that.
The trail is well maintained with beautiful scenery the entire way. I highly recommend.

Equipment: This is a very long difficult trail with a lot of exposure to the sun and cliff edges. Be sure to bring plenty of water and some food. Also, if you are renting a bike from a store in Moab, be sure to check the repair kit. Some items could be old and you want to make sure you have more than a few patches.  I also recommend you bring your own air pump that you ride with from home.  The one that comes with the repair kit is so small and cannot fill the tube properly.

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